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The Drifters




Pang Si Kai








劇情大綱  Synopsis


初出社會的張瑀在臺北過著百無聊賴的生活,日復一日。她開始在每個角落聞到失蹤多年的父親揮之不去的氣息、瞥見熟悉的身影,激起了過去對家庭疏離、交惡的記憶,成長過程中內裡的漂泊游離。在現實生活中成就不了夢想的她回到漁村,終日漫無目的而惶惶度日,索然無味地嚼食每一日。失夫多年的母親居住在港邊的小屋,日夜期盼著父親的歸來,再也沒有離去。 沉迷於宗教活動的她開始在夜晚重複著相同的怪夢,更讓她堅信丈夫並未死去。母親發現自己開始能夠在夢中登上失蹤的船隻,找尋父親成謎的蹤跡,卻也發現自己開始無法在每一個漫漫長夜中,安穩地入眠。張瑀困頓於過往,魂牽夢縈;母親殷切期盼,每個睜開眼的明天。春來秋去,只是港邊依舊。


Fresh graduate Yu lived a mundane and routine life in Taipei. She found similar figures of her missing father’s and smelled his presence all around the city. She started to struggle with her memories where she fell foul of her family during her growth. Failing to achieve her dream, Yu decided to go back to the fishing village. Meanwhile, her mother who stayed in the town after her father’s disappearance was fascinated with all kinds of superstitious activities. She believed that her husband was still alive though

remained disappeared when she started to dream of his return every night. Yu’s mother was eager and struggled to get into sleep every night just to wait for the boat where her husband driven to come back to the port but she started to suffer insomnia. Yu and her mother found themselves drifting in the middle of nowhere.





This story is setting at a fishing port, which gathers wanderers, travellers, fishermen, and outsiders who travel around all the time. Though the world is not a reflective glass surface, everyone we meet is simply a mirror who reflects ourselves and I do believe that everything and everyone is relatively connected in some way to each other. We are original and different but yet we do share something in a spiritual way. Being so-called

the “lost generation”, I set up the background and wrote this story with my daily observations and my own experiences and I regarded this writing as a self-reflection. Every seemingly mundane in our life can be interesting and worthwhile for us to look into it cause they might bear different emotions and stories behind it. Everyone is struggled with the fast-paced world and I thought gazing the mundane of others and ours could be a way of healing and examine ourselves.

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