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Time Machine

不管距離多遠, 我都會等你



Lee, Hong Heng

世新大學廣電系學生, 同時修學日文與日本文化, 對故事充滿喜愛. 同時是業餘的影像創作者之一



劇情大綱  Synopsis



一個夏天, 一段姻緣,兩個完全沒有關聯的兩人,因為自己的家人而相遇。

在他們之間的是陌生的牆壁, 但緣分把他們聯繫在一起。在理解雙方的同時,帶出了20年前另一段緣分,前一段無法得到結果的戀愛,轉變為下一段相遇的感情,人與人的距離就此開始縮短。


One Summer, One Met. Two people who without any blood relation, they met because of their family. There are a wall of unfamillar between them, but relation take them togeter. While they try to understand each other, they will found out there is another story which 20 years ago. A love that can not be realized at the end, become the relation of the next meet. And when that coming, the distance of people will start to get short.




這部作品是改編自日本人氣歌曲<時光機>的故事, 其內容是在講述一段短暫

的相遇與離別. 而基於親情視角, 本故事選擇將這段故事作為大背景故事.

結合自身對相遇的想法, 創作出了這部作品.


This story was adapted by a famous song name & lt;Time Machine> which come

from Japan.The story in this song is about a short time of two people who in a love. And stay at a view that talk about familu, it take the story as a back story of it, and adding some idea from myself then make up this litte story.



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