The Shooters
We’re in shooting position.
攝極戰場是一場攝影實境秀,想藉由攝影師及模特兒的專頁將pattaya的美讓全台灣的大學生和對攝影、旅遊有興趣的人看到。影片中有兩組攝影師及模特兒分別至安排的景點進行人像拍攝,主題圍繞著「芭達雅之美」,節目的最終必須選出8張照片,來決定誰是獲勝者,節目過程中將至許多知名景點探索,如中天海灘、walking street等,和壯麗的度假村景色,加上許多泰國當地人文以及當地風情,如小攤販的美食以及特色伴手禮,在最享受的pattaya聖地表現出泰國的熱情,讓台灣人能透過影片、照片,看到許多不同面貌的pattaya。
“The Shooters”is a reality show of travel and photography. The main
idea of the program is to show the beauty of Pattaya through the
photographer and the model to the college students and those who are interested in travel and photograph. In the program, two groups of
photographer and model will be arranged to different locations to
capture the beauty of Pattaya. In the end of the show, they will have to
turn in eight photos to decide the winner of “The Shooters”. The photographer and the model will travel to multiple famous attractions, such as North Pattaya Beach, Pattaya Walking Street and Nonze Hostel. They will explore the culture of Thailand and interact with the locals, and show the beauty of Pattaya to the Taiwanese with the videos and the photos.
The three elements of “The Shooters” are travel, photography and culture. We will discover the beauty of Pattaya in the aspect of travel enthusiasts. The main feature of the show is the performance of the photographer. They will capture the beauty through the camera with their unique perspective, and deliver their thought with the photos to the audiences. The show will also combine the culture, nature and local food to present an awesome stroke, and give the audiences an immersive experience. In the meantime, the photographer will not only be humour but also professional to deliver some useful photo techniques. The show will focus on the young audiences, and capture the most realistic reaction of the contestants. It is obvious to see that audiences follow up our itinery to chase those intersting sites and dishes in everywhere we ever introduced.
製作人 黃姿珊
執行製作 許紫涵 劉遇
製作助理 謝孟霖
編導 潘崇義
攝影 黃毅展 李易軒 蕭文婷
攝影助理 張詔翔
收音 張幼暉 姚冠如
美術 儲安茹
剪輯 姚冠如
側拍 蔡耀徵 許書榆